"New Shopping Experience by PICOM" (NSE) has grouped together a number of national and international initiatives under its brand, with the aim of showcasing the latest techniques companies are adopting for tomorrow’s world of commerce.
In this context, PICOM will once again be present at the VAD Conext trade fair to be held from 21 to 23 October 2014.
During the event PICOM will present:
- all the projects selected through the NSE 5.0 call for tenders during the course of the exhibition
- "Retail Innovation and Research RDV by PICOM" on Wednesday 22 October 2014, the day of the International Congress
"Retail Innovation and Research RDV" aims at selecting around thirty European companies and laboratories able to present innovations in retail that can be rolled out swiftly.
Taking part in "Retail Innovation and Research RDV" means:
- having your own individual site
- benefiting from a professional service to produce your presentation video*
- taking part in speed dating
- benefiting from being visible to large distribution accounts
- taking part in "Retail Innovation and Research Awards", which rewards the two most innovative French and European businesses.
Eligibility conditions :
- Presenting an original innovation (that has not been presented at a PICOM event)
- Innovation that is in line with the Cluster’s R&D principles
- Be a European SME as defined by the European community
- Not eligible: Any company that is present and selected through the NSE 5.0 Call to Tender projects
Selection criteria:
The main criteria for selecting the projects will be the innovative character of the project as well as the extent to which it complies with PICOM’s R&D principles. A bonus will be given to companies that tendered for NSE 5.0, and businesses that are first-time participants.
Documents required:
- Tender dossier
- Video of innovation
Condition for participation:
- Selected companies that are not PICOM members will be asked to pay a participation fee of €500 net of taxes (which can be deducted from the first payment of PICOM dues).
- 30/06/2014: closing date for tender dossiers
- 02/07/2014: publication of the list of selected SMEs
- 08/07/2014: Shooting Videos by professional
- 22/10/2014: Retail Innovation and Research RDV